Saturday, May 15, 2010

Arrival of backup

Today was more of a run around and planning day. We started the day off picking up Chris Kerslake at the airport. Chris will be my back up for those trips that I cannot lead here. He is from Chicago. As is usual in a country like Haiti today had its unplanned events. On the way to the airport we got a flat on the van. Fortunately (by God’s grace) the tire went flat right in front of the pick up gate at the airport so we were not late picking up Chris.

From the airport we went to a lumber supply house (I will never complain about Lowes or Home Depot again) to get some prices on materials so that I can do a rough estimate for the home that we have been asked to build. We also picked up the supplies needed to finish the septic tank lines that we will be working on today (Wednesday).

Back at the Oasis compound Chris and Guercy went to work putting in some new light fixtures and I took on the task of cleaning our supply room so that it is better organized for when the teams arrive.

In the afternoon the contingency that was doing the Disaster Response training out at Calico came to the compound and we gave them a tour of the facility. We then loaded up in the van and drove out to Mirebalais, which is about a two hour drive. The Great Commission Alliance and Mission to North America are working with the mayor of Mirebalais to build a new city to house the people that have left Port au Prince and moved out there. The mayor has donated the property and the GCA/MNA teams are almost done building a guest house there to host construction teams. The next plans are to put in some roads, a church, an orphanage/school and a medical clinic.

On the way up to Mirebalais is snapped a picture of one of the tent cities that has sprung up on the outskirts of Port au Prince. The current desire of the government here is to relocate about half of the population of Port au Prince out to places like this. As you can tell there is a lot of work to do to make these places sustainable.

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